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The Downtown Kid

Well, that’s new…

This evening, I’m walking home from my favorite place, and I swing through the Family Dollar for some paper towels. (I totally bought two packs of toilet paper instead of those the other day, but whatever. Don’t make fun of me.)

I pop out, purchase in hand, and I head towards the a-p-t. To do so, I have to cross Main Street, which has trolley tacks on it.

Now I tend to look down when I walk, especially across the brick streets that’ll trip you up and send you downward into liquids you don’t want identified. I’m usually looking for pennies, which are weirdly everywhere. My BFF laughs at how I can find them on penny-colored surfaces buried under penny-colored objects. “How do you DO that??” I hear in my head every time I find one. It’s adorable.

Pennies are the universe talking to me. Never fails that I find them when I’m looking for a “sign” from above about something I’m overthinking to hell and back. We should talk about the pennies sometime. I digress, though. Tonight, it wasn’t a penny.

Tonight, it was a dead squirrel.

On the tracks.

And of course I’m thinking “ew…,” but I’m also extremely perplexed. How the hell does a squirrel get hit by a trolley??? They’re moving a whopping 10mph … maybe?? And he wasn’t too torn up, so I’m guessing he just got nicked, which makes the whole thing even more confusing.

I almost took a picture for you, but I figured that’d be a little much.

Grey squirrel on a bench on Main Street eating pizza crust from the box
Here… have a picture of a fuzzy happy one enjoying Aldo’s Pizza leftovers instead.

So, trolley tracks. Dead squirrel. As I finish the little trek up to my place, my thoughts have been totally hijacked by this scene. It’s so strange. Squirrels don’t get hit by trolleys. I’ve never seen any of them even come close. What was this guy’s story?

Depressed? Overwhelmed and decided it wasn’t worth it anymore? Just tired of trying to get a nut?

I got nothing. Rest in peace, little guy.

Drop a line below and let me know what weird things you’ve seen strolling around your ‘hood!

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